A couple of weeks ago Thurop, Sherri and Leif were here. We had a wonderful time camping in the Uintahs at Sherri's (Anderson) family reunion. We wish Thurop could have stayed longer, but we were glad he could take time off from work and come for the weekend. Sherri and Leif stayed for an extra four days. We had fun swimming with them and the Hansens at Cottonwood Hts. Recreation Center and going to Sherri's brother Jeff's game, playing ball and cars in the bleachers one last time with Leif.
Last weekend we had a busy weekend of hosting dinners. On Friday the 3rd we had the Taylors over for dinner. We were in the MTC together and then served together in the Quezon City Mission. They were going to the MTC in three days because they are off on another mission. This time they will be serving in Indonesia. They were so excited about their new call. We had a great time with them. Then on Saturday night we had Ellen's siblings (the ones who could come), plus her cousins Kathleen and John Macfarlane, at our house for a potluck dinner. We talked and laughed and had our usual rolicking time together. We even played coin after eating and talking.
Wednesday was Trent's 6th birthday. We had a great time at his birthday dinner eating Hawaiian Haystacks and Star Wars birthday cake, and playing with the kids. On Tuesday we also went to the movie Meet the Robinsons with Amy and the kids.
Thursday and Friday of this week, Amy was at Youth Conference, so we had Ellie, Trent and Sophie staying with us. Thursday we read lots of books together and watched Toy Story. Brad came for dinner. After dinner Papa and Brad played tennis at Anzack Park, while Grammy and the kids played on the swings and slides there. Kristen and Noah flew in at midnight on Thursday. Noah fell asleep on the ride from the airport, but was wide awake when he came in our house. Kristen, Noah and Grammy stayed up until after 2 A.M. playing in the book room! We were sad Jonny couldn't come with them, but we had a great visit. Friday the Hansen kids, Kristen and Noah and we went up to Silver Lake. There were lots of ducks and squirrels and birds and even a chipmunk there.
Saturday we spent most of the day downtown at the Family History Center taking classes. It is just marvelous the things one can do in the Personal Ancestral File Program! We learned how to add photos to Pedigree charts, how to merge information from different sources, and how to add life stories and other notes to the program. It is all so exciting!
Today is Sunday. We taught our Family History Class. This week we showed and talked about the books we made for you all three years ago. When we came home we got a phone call from the Milletts who are in Panama City now on a little vacation. We hope they will write and tell us all about their trip. We talked to Tanner first. He said Sis. Rhinehart was his Primary teacher and she said to tell us hello. Then we talked to Sara. At church she saw many of our old friends--the Williams, Aldredges, Pam Bishop, the Hewetts, the Davises (Aaron and Kathy) Randy Davis, Whites, and more. They also drove past our old houses and old schools. Wouldn't it be fun for all of us to meet in Panama City sometime?!! We haven't been there for years and it was such a big part of our lives.
We talked to Lisa a couple of times this week. She and Dan are busy with work and school. Next month they are going to the wedding of Dan's cousin in Washington D.C. We hope they will write us and tell us more of what is going on in their lives. We tried a couple of times today to talk to them today and hope to before the day ends. We are also anxious to hear from Jim, Beverly, Isaac and Julia. We think they will be flying home soon, but we don't know when. We know their summer in Switzerland has been a fabulous experience for them. We got a post card from Margaret, Max and Erin who are also in Switzerland for three weeks.